

Copyright;2002 版权所有 台州市皓天产业用布股份有限公司 备案号:浙ICP备2022023711号






With the rapid development of science and technology, all walks of life are striving to integrate with modern advanced technology and improve their own advantages through scientific and technological means. Of course, travel websites cannot be excluded. As travel websites continue to mature, they have completely changed the past traditions. The way of travel websites not only makes travel management less difficult, but also improves the flexibility of travel websites. This kind of personalized travel website pays special attention to the interaction and coordination of operation and management, which stimulates the creativity and initiative of managers, which is very beneficial to the management of tourism management.
This article first analyzes the development background and significance of tourism websites, briefly explains the main content and advantages of tourism website system development, and then briefly introduces the current situation of research and application of tourism website systems at home and abroad, and system development technology, system analysis and overall Design, implement detailed functions, etc.
The database used in this travel website system is MYSQL, which is developed using JSP technology. During the design process, the system code is fully readable, practical, easy to expand, versatility, easy to maintain, easy to operate, and the page is concise. Features.

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